To ensure that your return or size exchange is accepted, please take note of the following conditions:

  1. The item must be in its original condition and packaging. Any tags, labels, or protective covers must still be attached resealed and intact.
  2. The item must not have been worn, washed, or altered in any way. Any item that shows signs of wear, stains, or odors cannot be returned.

To initiate a return or exchange, kindly send us an email at within 15 days of delivery. Once we receive your request, we will be happy to assist you with the process. Please note that all requests undergo an evaluation to ensure that the product has not been used or damaged, even partially. In cases where the product has been used or destroyed, we regret to inform you that a refund or exchange will not be possible.

Wrong Address

If you provide an address that is considered insufficient by the courier, the shipment will be returned to our facility. You will be liable for reshipment costs once we have confirmed an updated address with you (if and as applicable).


Shipments that go unclaimed are returned to our facility and you will be liable for the cost of a reshipment to yourself (if and as applicable)..

This Policy shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the English language, regardless of any translations made for any purpose whatsoever.